Pillar Project as we affectionately call it is a property that was formerly 2 shops and had been empty for at least 10 years prior to our involvement. An eye sore opposite a lovely school, we are turning it into 2 flats and a Duplex on top (it is 3 storeys at the back).
Working with the previous owner and planners we maximised the use of the space and began building works in the last couple of months.
Initially we worked closely with the planners, using sketches and our relationships to discuss potential routes and pitfalls before coming to an agreement.
We actually achieved a material amendment to our plans inside 24 hours at one point.
Currently we are working closely with utilities companies to arrange connections of electric, gas and water whilst removing the front of the building.
It will be finished to a high spec inside and out and is something we are very excited about moving forwards.
It currently looks like this:
And in the end it will look like this:
The CGI work done by our team really helps bring a property to life and helps planners see how our projects will fit in the environment.
Visuals were so important to making this project come to life made all the difference to its success so far.